Monday, November 5, 2007
Fireworks in Africa!
Friday last week, we went to a fireworks show at Baobab School. It was a LOTT of fun and it was the best firework show I'd ever seen in Africa. My family and I were really impressed! Something else that made it really cool, was that we were really close to them. Kathryn and I said that watching fireworks in the states isn't as exciting because they keep you far away (with good reason) but it was definitely more exciting to have them exploding right over your head. :)
Good-Bye David :(
We had a good-bye party at our house on Saturday last week. David Straw (a kid from youth) is moving to Australia. We had too much fun, but it was a sad time as well. One of my sayings is that life for an MK is "hello and good-bye". The funny pictures of people putting on clothes are from the relay we did. One of the steps in the relay was to open a suitcase and put on the clothes that were inside. We had a ball!
Band Practice
Hey Everyone! We have started a youth band PRACTICE. I wouldn't say we're a band yet, because we're not that good, but practice makes perfect, right? We try to meet once a week. A Baptist Bible study we attend here has asked us to perform 2 songs sometime this month so that's what we're working toward for the moment. Kathryn and I sing mainly, and Kathryn also plays the shaker. In the pictures we have Verona on the keyboard, Caleb on the guitar, Lucas on the trumpet, and Callie on the Drums. We have two more guitarists but they are gone for a while. Enjoy!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Need For Namibian Speed!
We also enjoy climbing dune 7, the tallest sand dune on the coast. It's a lot of work getting up, but sliding down(with our make-do boards) is worth it. Kathryn and I didn't want to go all the way down right after we had gotten up, so we picked a place on the dune where we wouldn't go all the way down. We had fun sliding there for a while!
Fun with Friends
Kathryn and I play Ultimate Frisbee every Sunday with our Youth Group! We have a lot of fun! Don't want to brag or anything, but we have gotten very good, and would love to take on another team! We play on an old polo field in Lusaka, and afterwards go to a Bible Study group! They are wonderful friends!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Wednesday Bible School
Hey everyone! Don't know if any one knows but I help out with a kids club every Wednesday. Sally Greene a member of Flying Mission started this club with the children that live around the air strip and I have started helping her. Every week is different in the amount of children that come. This last week we had 100 kids and the week before that 90! As I said though, it varies, because some weeks we only have 10 kids. Just these past few weeks we've started calling this group of kids the Rainbow Kids, because God has made them so different and we want them to remember that God keeps his promises for them. Please pray for us and them, sometimes it feels like we are running controlled chaos! But especially pray for the kids and that they may one day know the Father who keeps His promises!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Learning on a PR day!
Zeph. 3 :17 I am rejoicing in time given for working on keeping in touch with friends! Also God's tender care! Getting settled here has taken more time then we expected I think. Today flight following begins as this is the first day we were able to actually hear some one speak back to us on the HF radio! Our Base manager and guy 'in charge' was flying and we heard him and he heard us! Now life will take on that flavor again.
We are enjoying the things we packed up a year ago and get to see since the container arrived! EvaLynn, Kathryn and I have done some house rearrangeing and have put on a sofa cover and a futon cover. I finally got the curtains hemmed and since the internet is now working we can decide where the computer will have a final home.
Enjoy the Day, Salott
A Look Back In Wonder
A breather from flying this week. A great chance to catch up on "ground" stuff - like this blog.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Container!!!! AT LAST!!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Tag! For (Aunt) Jenny Kinter
1. I've lived in Africa for 9 years out of my 16
2. I talk too much
3. I've never had a cavity or braces and I've never been to the dentist in Africa
4. I want to go Bungi jumping at Victoria Falls, but my parents won't let me
5. I'm the middle child, so I'm best friends with my elder brother and my younger sister
6. My favorite animal is a Giraffe
7. I like to talk in an African accent and dance like them too
8. I've been to 5 out of the 7 continents
There ya go I gave you my answers, but I don't know 8 other bloggers, so I wont tag anyone else. :) (still trying to get Kathryn to do this)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Girls at Home
I think this is to cool that we have a blog sight now, and I just learned how to make a post. While my dad was flying around Zambia and getting an all expenses paid holiday, us three girls were at home. We had fun with out him, so we're not too jelouse! Kathryn and I had 3 girl friends over, and had a lot of fun playing card games, board games, and frisbee, while the electricity was off, and watching movies and listening to music, while it was on. But this was all last week. Just this past week end we had our whole youth group out at the Flying Mission Airstrip for a fun lock in type thing. We played a LOTT of Ultimate Frisbee, and used Kathryn's light-up frisbees to play at night. It was really awesome and we had to much fun! Thanks everyone who's been praying that we'd make friends. God has answered our prayers beyond what we could of wished for!
Have a great day/night, where ever you are in the world,
Friday, July 13, 2007
The first entry July 13 2007
Anyway, this is a trial to see how we do with this. We just had some interesting talk time with an IT man. He spoke of all the ways a blog site could be useful in keeping people who know us and care about us and stand beside and behind us, informed on a more regular basis.
So here we go.
I am processing from the office of the one who put us on to this idea in Macha, Zambia. I, David, happen to be on one of our longer flight trips of 6 days and 5 nights. This trip is serving a couple associated with Flying Mission that is based in Macha. I brought in a man and his son who support these people in many ways. They are getting a first hand look at how this couple lives and works in Macha. And, they are seeing how radical a sacrifice they are making to do so. "Wow" and "that is interesting" seem to be the operative phrases.
Part of the time is for learning and understanding and part of the time is for exploring and fun in southern africa. As the pilot, by staying with the group rather than flying back and forth, we save the couple a significant amount. But, it costs family time for me, Sally, EvaLynn and Kathryn. I do get to join in the exploring, learning, and fun, too.
The trip started Thursday with a pick up of the guests at the international airport, Lusaka. Then two days stay at Macha. Tomorrow we fly off to Livingstone and Victoria Falls for some sight seeing and game viewing. The trip will end with a flight back to Macha and on to Lusaka for the guests return to the USA. "If it wasn't for the airplane" I was told, "this could not have been possible".
One of the ways Flying Mission provides support services to missionaries.