Sunday, July 29, 2007


Kathryn and I had a lot of fun making tortillas (for our guests) and jamming to music this past week. And just tonight we climbed up our internet tower and took pictures with the beautiful full moon. Kathryn insisted on being the photographer, she's getting quite good at working our camera.


sylvia sawyer said...

Great blog! Thanks for keeping us informed a lot on the Lotts! I look forward to more updates.
Blessings, Sylvia Sawyer

A Lott In Zambia said...

hey good to catch some comments here from lady friends from home EvaLynn is keeping this up to date now that school is over and she has more time.

Unknown said...

You all are more up to date than a lot of the public schools in the Hampton Roads area with the blog thing. Suffolk is going to try it out in the fall. So good to see pics and hear from you. (Great pics Kathryn!) Pray Gordon is well-can you get him into the blog as well?

rra dijo said...

Hello Mma Lott, Hey Kathryn and Hi EvaLynn, and of course special greetings to Dave and Gordon ,

It's great getting to see pics from you guy in Zambia, reading how well you're doing. It's great.
Thanks for the prayerletter and this nice blog (or how do you call it?)

Had a great weekend hiking with my dad in the alps and having a fun braai last night on or porch.

Enjoy your holidays as long as you have some, couse I have to work now during my school holidays.

Have a good week and send greetings to all FMer who do know me. Salang sentle
In His Hands your Christoph