Saturday, February 23, 2008

3 Day Kids Club!

This is a long over due post, we should have shown you long ago pictures of the 3 day (which turned out to only be a 2 day) kids club. We had a lot of fun with the kids and did many special things for them that we don't do on a weekly basis. We played many games, gave out a little snack and drink, had crafts, and because it was Christmas time (and because many people donated clothes to a container that was sent to FM) we were able to give out a little gift to each kid on the last day. We also memorized John 3:16 (this was mainly for the older group of kids) and our theme was God Speaks through his Love. We tied the Christmas story and Salvation story into this message. The children loved it! (Even though we couldn't do it one day because of rain). This whole thing wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for all the help we got. It was wonderful to have so many hands helping out and serving the Lord.

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