Saturday, August 11, 2007
Wednesday Bible School
Hey everyone! Don't know if any one knows but I help out with a kids club every Wednesday. Sally Greene a member of Flying Mission started this club with the children that live around the air strip and I have started helping her. Every week is different in the amount of children that come. This last week we had 100 kids and the week before that 90! As I said though, it varies, because some weeks we only have 10 kids. Just these past few weeks we've started calling this group of kids the Rainbow Kids, because God has made them so different and we want them to remember that God keeps his promises for them. Please pray for us and them, sometimes it feels like we are running controlled chaos! But especially pray for the kids and that they may one day know the Father who keeps His promises!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Learning on a PR day!
Zeph. 3 :17 I am rejoicing in time given for working on keeping in touch with friends! Also God's tender care! Getting settled here has taken more time then we expected I think. Today flight following begins as this is the first day we were able to actually hear some one speak back to us on the HF radio! Our Base manager and guy 'in charge' was flying and we heard him and he heard us! Now life will take on that flavor again.
We are enjoying the things we packed up a year ago and get to see since the container arrived! EvaLynn, Kathryn and I have done some house rearrangeing and have put on a sofa cover and a futon cover. I finally got the curtains hemmed and since the internet is now working we can decide where the computer will have a final home.
Enjoy the Day, Salott
A Look Back In Wonder
A breather from flying this week. A great chance to catch up on "ground" stuff - like this blog.